Black cohosh, St. John’s wort
To reduce menopause symptoms, including hot flashes, sweats, sleeping disorders, mood swings and irritability, decreased concentration ability, anxiety, and/or urge in such cases, when psychic components of the symptom-groups are dominant,
clinically proven
herbal drug (OTC).

Black cohosh
To reduce menopause symptoms, including: hot flashes, sweats, sleeping disorders, mood swings and irritability
clinically proven
herbal drug (OTC).

Hyaluronic acid, Centella, Calendula officinalis, Aloe vera, Melaleuca
Adjuvant treatment of vaginal dryness and restoration mechanism of vaginal epithelium’s damages,
hyaluronic acid and herb extracts,
medical device.

Hyaluronic acid, Sweet almond oil silicone oil
Supplementary treatment of surface and deep wounds of any origin (e.g.: burns, bruises, cuts, decubitus, ulcers, surgical wounds),
hyaluronic acid,
medical device.

carboxymethyl beta‑glucan, Polycarbophil
Colpofix is the only innovative gelspray for the treatment and prevention of vaginal lesions caused by HPV.
thixotropic gelspray,
medical device.

Vitex Agnus castus
For the treatment of premenstrual syndrome and menstrual cycle’s disorders,
herbal drug (OTC).

Lactic acid, silver citrate, citric acid
Adjuvant treatment and in the prevention of bacterial vaginosis and recurrent urinary infections,
also during pregnancy,
medical device.

Boric acid, Bisabolol, Lactic acid
Adjuvant treatment of vaginal mycosis, lactic acid, boric acid, bisabolol,
medical device.